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Registration Listing

2025 Beverly Youth Football

Beverly youth football programs are for children from grades 1 - 8. 

Titan Travel Flag Football Grades 1-2 fee $75

Titan Tackle Division Grades 1-2 fee $275
Crusader Division Grades 3-4 fee $275
Spartan Division Grades 5-6 fee $275
Gladiator Division Grades 7- 8 fee $275

Beverly Titan Travel Flag Football Grades 1 & 2

Registration closes on 08/08/2025 at 12:17 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/16/2025
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Beverly Titan Tackle Football Grades 1 & 2

Registration closes on 08/08/2025 at 05:05 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/16/2025
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Beverly Crusader Tackle Football: Grades 3 & 4

Registration closes on 08/08/2025 at 05:05 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/16/2025

Beverly Spartan Tackle Football: Grades 5 & 6

Registration closes on 08/08/2025 at 07:19 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/16/2025

Beverly Gladiator Tackle Football: Grades 7 & 8

Registration closes on 08/08/2025 at 07:20 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/16/2025

2025 Beverly Youth Cheerleading

How old does my child need to be to sign up?
Your child needs to be entering grades K-8 in the fall.

What are the divisions?
Introduction to Cheer - U6 athletes ages 5 and 6 in grades K and 1
U8 Cheer - athletes ages 7 and 8
U10 Cheer - athletes 10 and under
U12 Cheer - athletes 12 and under
U14 Cheer - athletes 14 and under
Local Competition - Teams will participate in at least one invitational and one Local Championship
National Track Teams - Will compete in at least one invitational, one Local and the opportunity to move forward to states, regionals and nationals. Commitment contract required. 

When is the first practice? 
August 4, 2025 is the start of conditioning week between 5:30-8:30

What uniforms do I need to have or buy?
The top and skirts are provided by the organization. The tank, shorts, shoes, bows, and warm-ups are required and purchased by the family.

Attendance: Attendance: Cheerleaders will be allowed 5 unexcused absences for the entire season; any absence in October through December will require a doctor’s note. Once the cheerleader exceeds 5 unexcused absences, they will not be eligible to participate in cheer competitions however, they may cheer for games only. In addition any absence the week before a competition could result in the athlete being unable to participate in that competition.
Games: We expect full attendance at all games, including games played after competition days.

2025 Beverly Youth Cheer Grades K-1 - Ages 5 & 6

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/05/2025 to 11/19/2025
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2025 LOCAL COMPETITION Beverly Youth Cheer Ages 7 -12

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 11/19/2025

2025 NATIONAL COMPETITION Beverly Youth Cheer Ages 10 -14

Registration closes on 07/31/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 08/04/2025 to 12/07/2025


The 2025 Football season is about to begin!!

Conditioning practice TBD 5:30-8 pm at Cooney Field. 

****Titans follow a separate practice schedule but will start August 4th as well. Please watch for emails from the Coach in the near future.

All players should arrive ready to practice with comfortable athletic attire, cleats, mouth guards and HELMETS ONLY for the first week. No player will be allowed to practice without all required paperwork submitted.

Remember it is very important that our players keep hydrated so they must bring plenty of water for practice! Bug spray is strongly recommended.

In regards to weather concerns, practice is on unless you hear otherwise! We play football in the rain so we practice in the rain when safe to do so. Any changes or cancellations will be sent by email and posted on Facebook our page "Beverly Youth Football and Cheer" Typically the call to cancel practice is not made until an hour before start time so be patient but plan to have your child at practice.